Bignonia L.

First published in Sp. Pl.: 622 (1753), nom. cons.
This genus is accepted
The native range of this genus is Central & E. U.S.A. to Argentina.


Native to:

Alabama, Argentina Northeast, Argentina Northwest, Arkansas, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil North, Brazil Northeast, Brazil South, Brazil Southeast, Brazil West-Central, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Florida, French Guiana, Georgia, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Leeward Is., Louisiana, Maryland, Mexico Central, Mexico Gulf, Mexico Northeast, Mexico Northwest, Mexico Southeast, Mexico Southwest, Mississippi, Missouri, Nicaragua, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Panamá, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Suriname, Tennessee, Texas, Trinidad-Tobago, Uruguay, Venezuela, Virginia, West Virginia, Windward Is.

Introduced into:

Bangladesh, Jamaica, Marianas, Venezuelan Antilles


Homotypic Synonyms

Heterotypic Synonyms


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POWO follows these authorities in accepting this name:

  • Fischer, E., Theisen, I. & Lohmann, L.G. in Kubitkzki, K. (ed.) (2004). Bignoniaceae. The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants 7: 9-38. Springer.
  • Govaerts, R. (1996). World Checklist of Seed Plants 2(1, 2): 1-492. MIM, Deurne.
  • Lohmann, L.G. (2006). Manuscript on a new generic classification of Bignonieae (Bignoniaceae) based on molecular phylogenetic data and morphological synapomorphies.

Other Data

Other Kew resources that provide information on this taxon:

Date Reference Identified As Barcode Type Status Has image?
Jul 9, 2012 Dubs, B. [1238] Brazil K000977673 Yes
Wallich, N. [Cat. no. 6502] K001124063 Unknown Type Material Yes
s.coll. [Cat. no. 6513] K001124081 Unknown Type Material Yes
Wallich, N. [Cat. no. 6506] Burma K001124071 Unknown Type Material Yes
s.coll. [Cat. no. 6510] India K001124075 Unknown Type Material Yes
s.coll. [Cat. no. 6513] K001124082 Unknown Type Material Yes
Wallich, N. [Cat. no. 6502] K001124065 Unknown Type Material Yes
Wallich, N. [Cat. no. 6502] Burma K001124066 Unknown Type Material Yes
s.coll. [Cat. no. 6513] K001124080 Unknown Type Material Yes
Porter, G. [Cat. no. 6509] Malaysia K001124074 Unknown Type Material Yes
Spruce, R. [s.n.] Ecuador K000202009 Yes
Wallich, N. [Cat. no. 6500] Burma K001124050 Unknown Type Material Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] K000449511 Type Yes
Wallich, N. [Cat. no. 6513] K001124083 Unknown Type Material Yes
Wallich, N. [Cat. no. 6502] K001124064 Unknown Type Material Yes
Wallich, N. [Cat. no. 6505] Burma K001124069 Unknown Type Material Yes
Wallich, N. [Cat. no. 6505] Burma K001124070 Unknown Type Material Yes
Wallich, N. [Cat. no. 6502] K001124062 Unknown Type Material Yes
Wallich, N. [Cat. no. 6504] Burma K001124068 Unknown Type Material Yes
Wallich, N. [Cat. no. 6513] K001124084 Unknown Type Material Yes
Wallich, N. [Cat. no. 6502] K001124061 Unknown Type Material Yes
de Carvallio AM [3729] Brazil K:SPC-66419.000 No
Prance, G.T.; Berg, C.C.; Bisby, F.A.; Lleras, E.; Steward, W.C.; Ramos, J.F.; Coêlho, D.F.; Lima, J.F. [18216] Brazil Cydista K000990824 Yes
Jan 1, 1998 Ganev, W. [1431] Brazil Clytostoma K000977476 Yes
Jan 1, 1986 Thomas, W.; Guedes, J.; Lima, R.P. [4101] Brazil Clytostoma K000977445 Yes
Jan 1, 1982 de Mello, J.C. [22] Brazil Clytostoma K000449461 Isotype Yes
Jan 1, 1982 de Mello, J.C. [22] Brazil Clytostoma K000449462 Isotype Yes
Jan 1, 1982 Mello, J.C. [30] Brazil Clytostoma K000977450 Yes
Jan 1, 1979 Mori, S.; Silva, L.A.M.; Kallunki, J.A.; Santos, T.S. [10058] Brazil Clytostoma K000977446 Yes
Jan 1, 1977 Smith, L.B.; Reitz, R. [12590] Brazil Clytostoma K000977437 Yes
Jul 22, 1972 Bresolin, A. [3714] Brazil Clytostoma K000977444 Yes
Jan 1, 1972 Reitz, R.; Klein, R.M. [16990] Brazil Clytostoma K000977433 Yes
Sep 4, 1964 Reitz, R.; Klein, R.M. [16670] Brazil Clytostoma K000977434 Yes
Aug 31, 1964 Klein, R.M. [5150] Brazil Clytostoma K000977440 Yes
Aug 31, 1964 Reitz, R.; Klein, R.M. [16746] Brazil Clytostoma K000977436 Yes
Jun 10, 1959 Hatschbach, G. [5197] Brazil Clytostoma K000977452 Yes
Apr 10, 1959 Hatschbach, G. [5160] Brazil Clytostoma K000977453 Yes
Prance, G.T.; Ramos, J.F.; Farias, L.G. [7513] Brazil Clytostoma K000977451 Yes
Rambo, B. [44354] Brazil Clytostoma K000977425 Yes
Reitz, R.; Klein, R.M. [7619] Brazil Clytostoma K000977442 Yes
Rambo, B. [49274] Brazil Clytostoma K000977426 Yes
Hatschbach, G. [8082] Brazil Clytostoma K000977454 Yes
Mello, J.C. [30] Brazil Clytostoma K000977458 Yes
Clytostoma K:SPC-06676.000 No
Reitz, R.; Klein, R.M. [3903] Brazil Clytostoma K000977438 Yes
Reitz, R.; Klein, R.M. [8567] Brazil Clytostoma K000977441 Yes
Brade, A.C. [15918] Brazil Clytostoma K000977460 Yes
Porto, P.C. [211] Clytostoma K000977431 Yes
Reitz, R.; Klein, R.M. [16670] Brazil Clytostoma K000977435 Yes
Klein, R.M.; Bresolin; Occhioni, P. [7989] Brazil Clytostoma K000977443 Yes
Magalhães, M. [19619] Brazil Clytostoma K000977447 Yes
Krukoff, B.A. [5046] Brazil Clytostoma K000977456 Yes
Porto, C. [211] Brazil Clytostoma K000977448 Yes
Hooker [s.n.] Brazil Clytostoma K000977432 Yes
Porto, C. [1798] Brazil Clytostoma K000977459 Yes
Mello, J.C. [22] Brazil Clytostoma K000977449 Yes
Reitz, R.; Klein, R.M. [2017] Brazil Clytostoma K000977439 Yes
Porto, C. [1798/1799] Brazil Clytostoma K000977461 Yes
Prance, G.T.; Silva, N.T. [59257] Brazil Clytostoma K000977457 Yes
Rusby H. H. [1145] Bolivia Clytostoma K000449470 Type Yes
Jan 1, 1974 Prance, G.T.; Maas, P.J.M.; Woolcott, D.B.; Monteiro, O.P.; Ramos, J.F. [15731] Brazil Mussatia K000990740 Yes
Sep 6, 1962 Egler, W.A.; Pires, J.M. [47764] Brazil Mussatia K000990741 Yes
Apr 20, 1959 Ducke, A. [s.n.] Brazil Mussatia K000990742 Yes
Silva, M.B. [77] Brazil Mussatia K000990743 Yes
Krukoff, B.A. [5080] Brazil Mussatia K000990744 Yes


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    • 'The Herbarium Catalogue, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Published on the Internet [accessed on Day Month Year]'. Please enter the date on which you consulted the system.
  • Kew Backbone Distributions

    • The International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants 2025. Published on the Internet at and
    • © Copyright 2023 World Checklist of Vascular Plants.
  • Kew Names and Taxonomic Backbone

    • The International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants 2025. Published on the Internet at and
    • © Copyright 2023 International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants.